Using colorful photos of children working in Montessori classrooms, I will demonstrate for educators a way to explain to parents why Montessori's approach to education is more relevant today than ever. Much of my content comes from a book I am currently writing on this topic. My goal with this talk is to give other Montessori educators ideas for how they might create their own ways of explaining this amazing approach to skeptics, and to help enthusiasts to understand it more fully. ~ ~ ~
Paula Lillard Preschlack writes blog articles at, a newsletter at and speaks about Montessori education at and at conferences and schools. Paula taught Primary and Elementary levels for 12 years and was the Head for fifteen years at Forest Bluff School in Lake Bluff, Illinois. She is AMI trained at the Assistants to Infancy, Primary and Elementary levels, and has audited the Adolescent Orientation from NAMTA. Paula led Forest Bluff School’s Montessori From the Start Program for parents with infants and young children with her sister, Lynn Jessen, and their mother, Paula Polk Lillard, for 20 years. She is the parent of two Montessori graduates. She can be contacted at [email protected]