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VMA’s advocacy efforts involve unifying and amplifying the voice of Virginia's Montessori community. 


One of the greatest benefits of a robust state Montessori organization like VMA is the support provided for your advocacy needs as a Montessorian. Unfortunately, decisions are often made, and policies are often written, with default ideas in mind regarding how schools function and how education is “done.” This can mean that, without targeted and ongoing advocacy, Montessori programs can be pressured into altering core, child-centered practices in order to remain in operation or receive funding. 

No need to worry–the Virginia Montessori Association is working for you! For years, our association has established and maintained strong working relationships with policymakers, regulators, and funders. We also monitor developments in federal, state, and local policy as well as funding streams, and coordinate member efforts to make the Montessori voice heard in related decision-making processes. Read on to learn more!​

Advocacy Updates


Birth-5 Approved Curriculum

In summer of 2022, the Virginia DoE approved the “VMA Montessori Curriculum: Birth to 5” on its list of curricula approved for use in publicly funded programs. This was a collaborative effort between VMA, the Montessori Science Program at the University of VA, the Montessori Public Policy Initiative (MPPI) and Fulton Montessori School.



Educator Scholarship

Prospective Montessori teachers pursuing their infant, toddler, or primary credential from a MACTE accredited, Virginia-based training center are now eligible for the state’s Childcare Provider Scholarship Program. Application windows open three times a year, and applicants can receive $4,035 in funding. 



Pathway to Licensure

After years of advocacy in partnership with the Montessori Public School of Arlington, MPPI, and Montessori Science at UVA the state Board of Education approved a pathway to licensure for Montessori teachers. The pathway is currently in effect within the Arlington School District, but we hope to expand eligibility in the coming years*.



ECE Licensing Standards

In early 2024, the Virginia Department of Education released a draft of new licensing standards for early childhood programs. Through a collaborative process with its member schools, VMA submitted this response on behalf of the Virginia Montessori community to help ensure the standards are Montessori-friendly.



The amazing group of advocates from VMA, Montessori Science at UVa, MPPI, and Arlington Public Schools who tirelessly worked to get the pathway to licensure for Montessori approved in March 2023.

Advocacy in Progress


Pathway to Licensure

VMA is eager to support other districts in securing the Montessori pathway to teacher licensure. Eventually, we would like to see the pathway recognized at the statewide level.


Virginia Literacy Act

The Virginia Literacy Act requires all public K-3 Virginia classrooms to be implementing a curriculum identified by the state as aligned with the science of reading. VMA has been working to get the Montessori curriculum for literacy instruction included on the list of approved curricula.



In addition to the Childcare Provider Scholarship mentioned above, there is other funding available for prospective educators to pursue credentials. VMA is committed to ensuring that all available funding sources are equally accessible to Montessori educators.


Public Montessori

At present, public school Montessori programming is available only in Arlington County. VMA envisions, and advocates for, a future in which high quality, publicly funded Montessori programming is widely available to Virginia’s families.

Stay Informed

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